
The following are the first series of spectra I took with my DIY USB Sprectroscope.

First here’s the lamp I’m using as a source of light for the spectrum:

Definetly not a “True Light” but not that bad 🙂 That has to be taken into account.

The peak you see at 825,0 nm is nothing less than the end of the image so not related to the spectrum. I have to find a way to avoid that 🙂

I have a few narrow band filters that I mostly use for my solar imaging. And they are perfect for testing the spectroscope.

Here’s the famous Baader Continuum:

And then a series of filter I bought from an eBay store ( where you can find good filters at very good prices.

Here’s an H-Alpha filter:

And here’s a “CaK” filter:

I have two of those and the idea is to try to stack and tilt them to shrink the band.

Here’s a very nice green filter that I use for white light images:

And finally a 705nm filter that I use for white light as well. I love this filter as it gives very “stable” images:

I used RSpec to take all the pictures.

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